Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Amalaki - A Natural Antioxidant

It is A Natural Antioxidant that Detoxifies and Rejuvenates the Body
It is said to stimulate the production of red blood cells, enhance cellular regeneration, increase lean body mass and support proper function of the liver, spleen, heart and lungs. It has also been used to improve eyesight, strengthen the bones and teeth, and cause hair and nails to grow. It improves the digestive fire, maintains a healthy blood sugar level and is a rich natural source of antioxidants.
For those who live in India can buy it from Himalaya health store.
You can find more details about Amalaki here:

Drinking too much water not good for your health

Drinking too much water can cause serious problems, such as hyponatraemia or water intoxication. As the water content of the blood increases, the salt content is diluted. Consequently the amount of salt available to body tissues decreases, which can lead to problems with brain, heart and muscle function.
Check out this: